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Australians will have to get used to drinking recycled water

Drinking treated sewage has always been on the nose in Australia. The "ick" factor has led successive state governments across the country to rule it out as an option and was a key reason desalination plants were built in many capital cities. But you're going to have to get over it because once population booms and climate change bites, most Australians will be drinking recycled water, according to urban water experts.

"I believe it will happen in the next decade for one of our capital cities on the east coast," Water Services Association of Australia executive director Adam Lovell said.

The struggle to handle a growing Australia

In 1997 it was estimated Australia would reach a population of 25 million by the middle of this century. We are already there and our cities, schools and roads are not prepared for it.

"For Australia to really grow and to have competitive cities and liveable cities, we have to embrace potable reuse as one of our supplies going forward."

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